Thursday, August 17, 2006

Do ya ever..

Just sit back and think about High School? Maybe one time in particular where you were just CRAZY?

I was doing that the other day. I realized that as a parent now, I would FREAK OUT if I found out my teenager was doing some of the things I did. Not that I was a bad kid, because as kids go.. I was a good one. But there were some times where we just did STOOPID things!

For instance.... A girlfriend and I were driving around the local movie theatre one night and we saw some cute boys in a car.. we followed them.. chased them around the parking lot.. got them to pull over and then went to their house for a party! OMG... They were hotties.. and we DID have fun.. but still!!

Now it makes me think.. what kind of parent do I want to be when my kids are teens? I obviously won't be like MY parents, who were so doped up and into themselves that they didn't CARE what we did.. but I also don't want to hold the reins too tight because then they will lose respect for us and rebel. No rebellions please.

Anyway.. just an unrelated rambling for today. Just sit back for a minute and think about the FUN you had in High School/College. Not the crappy times, cuz there were PLENTY of those.. but a FUN time.. a CRAZY time....


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