Friday, May 25, 2007


How are you doing? I am doing SWELL. I have a band of roofers banging around on the roof right now. I have a team of HVAC guys installing a brand new furnace and air conditioner! I no longer have what looks like an ugly galvanized steel octopus sitting on my roof! I no longer have a leaky roof! I will SOON no longer have a super ineffecient, WAY TOO BIG, OLD & SCARY furnace running my heater and air conditioner!! I have a brand new ac unit sitting pretty in my backyard!! I have a LOT less money! LMAO

Oh yeah, and did I mention I have a husband who apparently watched one too many of those creepy BUG movie commercials and woke me up at 2am last night FREAKING OUT that there was something on him??? Like not just for a minute either. Like 20 minutes of searching the bed, searching the floor, flashlighting the ceiling... etc... omg... talk about not getting a restful sleep AFTER THAT.

So things are well here! We are on our way to a WAY MORE EFFECIENT household! WAY CHEAPER to run too. The kids are super excited because we found plates, bowls, cups and silverware in pink and blue in the dollar spot at Target. It's the little things right?

Have a great SAFE weekend!

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