Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Am I really interesting AT ALL?

Hmmm.. I would have to say that yes, I do have some interesting qualities. Even better is the fact that my family is SO FRICKING WHITE TRASH that we could have an entire month of Jerry Springer episodes dedicated to us and it would only SCRATCH the surface. But enough about them... on to me!

Seriously though.. sorry to be lacking in postage. My gal pal and right hand man got sick and I had to work and incredibly AWFUL amount of days in a row. Topped off with a FABULOUS weekend off with no kids and just me and JASON! There was a small incident that did infact involve "bed - breakage"... but we will just move on past that.

I got my tattoo done on Monday and BOY does it look awesome! Did I mention how much it FRICKING HURTS? or... HOW HUGE MY CANKLE NOW IS? Oh yes, you read that right. I don't have an ANKLE anymore. I have a CANKLE. Looks like a cross between your calf & ankle. Swollen and fat. UGH... the heat doesn't help. Nor does walking around on it all day but what can you do??

I will be posting pictures asap... or rather... asaiptotc.. which loosely translates too.. as soon as I pull them off the camera... hehe


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.