Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Another week has gone by....

And we are still playing the "hurry up and wait" game. We are waiting to hear back from the company he interviewed with last week. They said they would contact him this week. It is Wed. Am I an idiot to hope they would have called on Monday? I hate waiting. I am NO good at it.

In other news... my birthday was good. My fabulous friends joined me for the movie Last Kiss and we had lots of Almond champagne and laughed and talked. My friend put it all together for me. She rocks. Love her to pieces. She just got a NEW job... and I am SO TOTALLY excited for her and hoping some of that NEW JOB mojo spreads this way!

Have a fabu day..

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So.. it's been another week..

Time is running out. I am trying to remain calm. There is a pretty significant interview tonight and then I am sure more waiting. I hate waiting.

As a friend of mine said, My bills aren't flexible, why should my salary be?

Deep breathing is of the essence. Had yet another bad morning. Was awake half the night trying to stategize our next move. Had to trick myself to get back to sleep. Woke this morning and both of us were full of energy and fire and became very pro-active together. Unfortunately all I can do is talk.. I can't be the ONE to DO anything. I didn't lose my job. I am not the one who deserves answers. I can't be the one to demand them. I HATE THAT.

Control issue much? If this were any other thing, I probably wouldn't get so worked up.. but jesus h christ... he has a FAMILY to take care of and they don't give a SHIT that he has been an EXCELLENT employee for 13 years! Why didn't they offer him the option of something else? Why the fricking FINALITY? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY? Sorry.. ugh

Monday, September 11, 2006

This past week...

Has been a testimate to my sanity.

Has it been easy? NO.

Has it been enjoyable? NO.

BUT, it has been a lesson, one in which I won't soon forget. We have survived through this past week with very little food or sleep, very little energy and very little comfort in our future, but things are finally starting to come together. Resumes have been submitted, interviews are scheduled, bills are being consolidated and we are finally able to catch our breath a bit.

Thanks for letting me vent... if anyone is listening, I appreciate you. HUGZ

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Trying to stay positive...

The main bread winner in the family has just been given 2 weeks to find another position.

(me breathing deeply)

The main bread winner just called to say the next best thing is over 20k less a year.

(use those child birthing techniques)

The main bread winner is sad, hurt and confused as to how this could have happened after 13 years at the same company and just as many GOOD reviews.

(blowing my nose)

The main organizer of the house is currently in freak out mode, please check back later to see if she has pulled herself together yet.

And so we welcome Wednesday to this week.