Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm feeling sad today...

Nostalgic. Hormonal. Blech.

I hate this part of my cycle. I hate feeling hopeless.. even if it is just for a few days. I hate that something ALWAYS comes up during this most sensitive time for me that makes me doubt me. That sucks. I hate how puffy my damn eyes get after I spend 30 minutes realizing how crappy I feel.

My son does NOT have ADHD. Don't you DARE say that he does, after 6 months of school has already gone by and you have NEVER given anything but praise in regards to him.

Not until now, after 2 stressful months for him because YOU are focusing solely on the truly ROTTEN children in his kindergarten class and you have NO patience left for my 5 year old (and others) who are NORMAL and get BORED when you let them sit there with nothing to do but be antsy.

Don't patronize me with comments about how "it isn't as if he isn't smart".. cuz guess what.. I effin KNOW he is smart. He can sit at the table for an HOUR and work on reading, writing and coloring... WITHOUT fidgeting. He can deduce how shit works WAY better than most ADULTS I know and will ask you a ZILLION questions until he is absolutely sure he gets it.

Don't you DARE make me feel like I am missing something... cuz I am not. So there. Vent over. Moving on.

I hope I feel better tomorrow. Jason didn't work overtime today and won't be going on his ride-along tomorrow so maybe I can actually get some decent effin sleep and snuggle with my hub for a bit.


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