Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Can you see my teeth a SHINING out there? Oh yeah, so now that we know unemployment is immenent... we are getting all of our checkups, refilling all perscriptions and making sure everyone is in tiptop shape. Jason and I had our dental checkups today. The dentist commented that we all have GREAT teeth and whatever we are doing to keep it up! Mind you, the last time I went in was 2005... so that is good news!

We are FINALLY finishing the painting in our room today... it just bites that we have limited time to work on it. Today is nice and sunny, not too hot as of yet so Jason just finished the 2nd coat of primer and I am gonna go do the corners. WE WILL BE MOVING OUR BED IN THERE TONIGHT. I am sick of sleeping on the floor.

Still no luck finding a nightstand... but I will eventually find one I am sure.

Have a fabu day!

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