Wednesday, December 28, 2005


It's over... well mostly anyways! I feel so much better now. No more hustle and bustle and stress and presents and all of that stuff! Our day was.... interesting to say the least. The kids were awesome and came into my bed at around... oh... 5:55 am... and stayed there (mostly sleeping) until almost 8am! Then we went out to see what Santa brought. Santa had a VERY tough time unwinding twisty things and setting up Spiderman and Barbie... and really didn't get done until about 3am.. but anyway... they were most excited at their surprises! They played with that until Daddy got home from work at 9:10am... then Papa came over, Uncle Cory got up and away we went! Stockings were investigated and present ripping began. The kids were so excited at what they got! Which made us very happy.

We had brunch and then off to my Gparents house. That was... um... nice. Then around 3:30 we headed over to Jason's Gparents house to have Christmas dinner. That was VERY nice. The kids played and we chatted and it was very cozy.

Home we came and relaxed. Then Cory, Jason and I stayed up until the wee hours discussing religion, God, Jesus, Christmas and the whole grand scheme of things. It is pretty interesting to hear all of this from Cory, since he is a Religious Studies major in college he gets to take a ton of very cool courses.

Anywho... this week will be spent inventory-ing the store... most of which is already done! YEAH!

Have a fabulous week all!

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