Friday, December 30, 2005

Classes Classes Classes...

Oh I am SO SO excited!! I love to teach, and especially when it is something fun and cute and totally altered! LOL... yes, that coming from ME... who used to say... "I am SO not into altering.." blah blah blah....

I have my first official class on the books and on the website! Well not REALLY the first, but the Basics class we set up before never happened. So the FIRST class that I have a feeling might actually fill up. YAH!

Also... fun ideas and projects on the horizon... it is kinda cool actually utilizing all of these ideas in my crazy head. Before they just kind of sat there and never came to fruition. Now I feel like I have an outlet and when one idea comes out, another 10 form in it's place! SCARY!

Store news... inventory is coming along nicely. I am not thrilled with our lost/stolen list, but that is to be expected I suppose.

Jason and I will be spending New Year's day at the store inventory-ing the rest of the stuff. So far we have about 1/2 of the 12x12 printed paper done and we still have stickers and cardstock left. Not bad. It has been so great to do it over the last 2 weeks. Just one or two catagories a day depending on how big they are. That way we aren't stuck there ALL day long! I may go in tomorrow and start printing up the rest...stickers is going to be a HUGE catagory!

So I am off, but will leave you with a couple of pictures from Christmas morning...