Sunday, December 31, 2006
Dacia, Jason and I pre-rang in the New Year last night at our friend's house. Can you say MARTINI PARTY?? OMG.. we had SOOOOOO MUCH FUN! Pictures to come soon! There was lotsa food, WAYYY too much alchohol, lotsa martini's flavors.. total FUN times.. we even had a puker (not one of US of course)!!
So, here Dacia and I sit, still recovering slightly from our night out.. well.. we officially got home at 4am.. so.. early morning I spose.. and we have all the necessary tools to bring in the New Year in style!!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Hmm.. time flies
I started out saying this year was going to be powerful. Powerful it was. I wasn't anticipating the Hurricane Katrina powerful that it has shown itself to be.. but ok.. we are all dealing with that in our own ways. Now we need to move on. I honestly should have known it could be disasterous. After all, 10 years ago THIS year I got married (good), my mom died, my step-dad went to jail, my real dad sent him there, I almost had to get a restraining order against said dad... the list goes on. Maybe I should be wary in 2016.... lol
2007 WILL BE OUR YEAR. Let's ring it in with style... get effin on with the show.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I used to go dancing at a place in Downtown SD called Soma. It was all dark inside and we liked it that way. I got all hoochied up with my big hair, dark makeup, short tight skirts and Doc's. We would usually get REALLY drunk in the parking lot before we went in. We would dance and sweat, dance and sweat, dance and drink, drink and dance.
It was so much fun.
In between the dancing, drinking and sweating, we would venture downstairs to listen to the live bands play. I recall watching a band where the lead singer/guitarist was nude under his guitar. Yep.. nude. I saw so many great bands there... local bands that went on to become something more.
I was 16 and 17 at the time.
Afterwards, we would head into HillCrest and have coffee at Soho. We would sit and laugh and talk and enjoy the time together. We all took rocks and wrote Soho in red nailpolish on them. I still have mine.
When we weren't going out to dance and have coffee, we stayed at one of the other girl's apartments for the night. We watched movies, drank, danced, had fun, and crashed all together on the floor. We held hands and kissed as friends. We were happy. It was a necessary escape for me from my dreadful existance at home. Thank everything that is holy that my mom was too wrapped up in her own bullshit to pay attention to what I was doing.
All of that changed eventually. My friends weren't satisfied with drinking and started trying other things. I never knew. They got into crystal, X, acid and went to raves and partied way harder than I was willing to do. I pulled away from them. I was depressed. Alienated. Alone once again. Back to being in the middle of my mom's bullshit. I met Jason right in the middle of all of that. Thank everything that is holy once again.
One of my long lost friends found me on MySpace. His wife is having a baby this month. I couldn't be happier for them. I love listening to this music as it is such a reminder of the fun times I had when I was younger. Rock on peeps...
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Another day, another dollar...
Things have been turning up here. Not feeling so desperate right now. Bills are getting paid (well.. not all by us.. lol)... and in general we are feeling a bit more relaxed. Thank gawd.
Hugz peeps... I will be back in a week!
Friday, October 27, 2006
New Job...
In other news... hub's mom tried to commit suicide.
Oh yeah... you would think we could get 5 flipping minutes to take a breath and adjust to our existing situation (which still isn't stable) before another major event happens. Not in this family baby.. oh nooo.
She is Bi-Polar and says she now has nothing to hold onto after losing custody of hub's nephew. He is now in foster care undergoing the counseling he has SO long needed, and being made sure he sees his parole officer on a regular basis. She doesn't qualify for welfare without him. I am POSITIVE there are programs out there to help her, yet once again she has turned on the pity party to my brother-in-law saying that no-one loves her... she has given up.. if we all could just send her some money.. BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want her to DIE.. but this is a woman who has lived a cycle of independence/drugs/depression/needing to be rescued.. for 20+ years!! At some point you have to take the initiative to take care of yourself right?? And don't think I am blaming her for her illnesses.. but I do believe you can make a conscious decision to NOT use drugs.. which triggers your depression and sends you into a downward spiral.
We took her in when NO-ONE else could or would.. for a year and a half.. and not just her, but hub's abused/issue ridden nephew too! What was the result you might ask?? She came to us half dead, hooked on methadone.. and within 2 weeks was cleaned up and off of it, in a drug re-hab program and functioning as an adult. Which sounds great until we started finding her passed out in the front room, empty bottles of pills here and there... fighting all the time with us... crashing her car, etc etc. My family suffered. My child had to be in counseling and on anti-depressants for a year after they moved out... and nephew went on to molest one of his young cousins!
I have chosen to give up responsibility for this one. I decided last time to bring her here. Not gonna happen. We don't have any funds to send her.. which wouldn't help her anyway as she would blow it on pills. We can't do much about this other than offer suggestions as to her next course of action.. which I think should be a live-in drug or mental program.
So yeah.. that was my yesterday.. LOL... in good news... QK came in and I can't wait to see it! LMAO
See ya!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
It's been 3 weeks...
Now while I am sure most of you are thinking.. oh thank GAWD cuz that was scary... well it still is. He will actually be making about $20 LESS an hour than his former job. That means as of right now, we will ONLY be able to afford our mortgage with his pay. Within his pay we will also have continued health insurance, which was a big concern of mine.. you know, having 2 small children and all. Nothing else will be covered. Which accounts for quite a bit actually. Car insurance, gas & electric, water & trash, cable utilities, cell phones & rv payment. Oh yeah.. did I forget to mention FOOD? Yeah.. well that too. Oh and the holidays... and that pesky property tax which is so lovely in California. Of course we have already cut back on a lot of things.. no going out, no pointless Target trips, but our kids are still growing and winter (however warm it may be compared to most) is right around the corner.. which means jackets and jeans and sweatshirts...
Now I know I may sound bitter, and honestly, I am. I am frusterated that his past 13 years of employment have come down to this. Him practically BEGGING for a job, one that is front line, just so he can get off of Unemployment (which pays diddly squat), keep health insurance for his family and contribute to keeping our household alive and well. 9 years in management and every single place he interviewed for said they wanted him to start at the bottom. It's crap I tell ya. CRAP.
So now... what to do from here? They do have supervisor positions available in this new department, they DO want him in there. They want to train him so that he is aware of their policies and procedures (understandable) and they have said after that, it is up to him to move up. Basically depending on how fast he catches on and proves he can do it, then they will move him upwards. They do want to fast track him and they haven't put a time frame on it. That part is good. Now I go back to worrying whether or not he will make sufficient effort to have it happen sooner rather than later. I don't want to be the naggy bitch wife who is constantly harping.. but I also don't want to be the horrible stressed out wife who is constantly worrying how we are going to pay these other bills. Here is the hard part for me. Because now I have lost trust in him. While I completely feel that he was fired for bull crapola reasons, that for whatever reason they just didn't want him there and they found completely lame reasons to justify firing him.. I still worry that there were things he could have done better... efforts he could have made to prevent this... etc. The controlling part of me does NOT have an easy time with this. AT ALL.
So anyway.. this is a step in the right direction. I still have an eye twitch, I am still having trouble sleeping, and now I am worried that they will give him a graveyard position once again, which will mean that he won't have the energy to do ANYTHING outside of this job. Which honestly, he needs to do. I don't want to live off of father-in-law for the rest of my damn life.
Ok.. bitter post today with a highlight of somewhat good news... hugz
Sunday, October 01, 2006
This blog has become horribly depressing...
He didn't get the job. We don't know why, we are waiting on an email.
He DOES have a 2nd interview with the people he interviewed with in the first place. Not sure when or what that will yield, but at this point, anything is a bonus.
Unemployment kicks in this week, but sadly, it is MINISCULE compared to what he was making. You know how everyone talks about %'s when it comes to unemployment/disability? WELL, apparently there is a MAX salary amount they base it off of, and he was WAY over that. So we are getting about 45% of what he was making BEFORE they take the taxes out. EACH MONTH. Woopedy do. That will cover.. oh... the mortgage? And pretty much food. And that's it. So all of the utilites need to get covered somehow or the other. Hmmm. Looks like I may be picking up more days at the store and possibly looking for a job. I guess we will see.
Good news is that we sign our loan papers tomorrow, so that will relieve some stress.
Did I mention that amidst all of this mess I have a HUGE trade show in less than 2 weeks? AND, the city decided to partially close off access to the street my store is on, and the businesses are suffering BADLY for it? I am finally starting to pick up after a slow summer but have no idea how this will affect me... ugh
OK, enough whining, I am off to work. Have a day.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Another week has gone by....
In other news... my birthday was good. My fabulous friends joined me for the movie Last Kiss and we had lots of Almond champagne and laughed and talked. My friend put it all together for me. She rocks. Love her to pieces. She just got a NEW job... and I am SO TOTALLY excited for her and hoping some of that NEW JOB mojo spreads this way!
Have a fabu day..
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
So.. it's been another week..
As a friend of mine said, My bills aren't flexible, why should my salary be?
Deep breathing is of the essence. Had yet another bad morning. Was awake half the night trying to stategize our next move. Had to trick myself to get back to sleep. Woke this morning and both of us were full of energy and fire and became very pro-active together. Unfortunately all I can do is talk.. I can't be the ONE to DO anything. I didn't lose my job. I am not the one who deserves answers. I can't be the one to demand them. I HATE THAT.
Control issue much? If this were any other thing, I probably wouldn't get so worked up.. but jesus h christ... he has a FAMILY to take care of and they don't give a SHIT that he has been an EXCELLENT employee for 13 years! Why didn't they offer him the option of something else? Why the fricking FINALITY? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY? Sorry.. ugh
Monday, September 11, 2006
This past week...
Has it been easy? NO.
Has it been enjoyable? NO.
BUT, it has been a lesson, one in which I won't soon forget. We have survived through this past week with very little food or sleep, very little energy and very little comfort in our future, but things are finally starting to come together. Resumes have been submitted, interviews are scheduled, bills are being consolidated and we are finally able to catch our breath a bit.
Thanks for letting me vent... if anyone is listening, I appreciate you. HUGZ
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Trying to stay positive...
(me breathing deeply)
The main bread winner just called to say the next best thing is over 20k less a year.
(use those child birthing techniques)
The main bread winner is sad, hurt and confused as to how this could have happened after 13 years at the same company and just as many GOOD reviews.
(blowing my nose)
The main organizer of the house is currently in freak out mode, please check back later to see if she has pulled herself together yet.
And so we welcome Wednesday to this week.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Constantly amazed..
I am absolutely SCARED about what JK Rowling will do with the final Harry Potter. I am a sucker for a happy ending and I am totally unsure if she will go that way.
I was thrilled to DEATH with the way Stephen King ended the Dark Tower series.. it gave me hope and helped me realize to take opportunities and have no regrets.
I LOVE Zach Braff and his amazing ending to Garden State.. when during the movie, Jason and I were holding hands and were so afraid that the plane would crash and he would die and that is how it would end. The reality was SO MUCH BETTER.
When I want a movie that will make me cry and laugh and be totally satisfied at the end, I pick either Garden State, Notting Hill or Sense & Sensibility. In that order.
Our family has a LOVE of Hayao Miyazaki's movies and Howl's Moving Castle makes me cry just to think about it! Always a message of love and acceptance.. always comforting at the end.
Zach Braff just added me as a friend to his MySpace account and I wanted to SCREAM! He has about 18000 friends but hey, he took the time to add me and that made me happy. Not to mention, that man has AMAZING taste in music.. the song on his MySpace page is by Imogen Heap, called Hide & Seek. Fricking AMAZING. I actually heard it MONTHS ago on Star94.1.. she does everything in this song completely accapella, and her tone is the kind that gives you goosebumps. They used it to choreagraph a dance on So You Think You Can Dance and I forgot to look and see who the musician was... now I know. I have a feeling that Last Kiss is going to be another movie I can't live without.
Ok.. so maybe it is almost that time of the month... I dunno but I am so damn emotional lately! I want to cry and laugh and do all of it at the same time.. weird.. Much Love.. S
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Do ya ever..
I was doing that the other day. I realized that as a parent now, I would FREAK OUT if I found out my teenager was doing some of the things I did. Not that I was a bad kid, because as kids go.. I was a good one. But there were some times where we just did STOOPID things!
For instance.... A girlfriend and I were driving around the local movie theatre one night and we saw some cute boys in a car.. we followed them.. chased them around the parking lot.. got them to pull over and then went to their house for a party! OMG... They were hotties.. and we DID have fun.. but still!!
Now it makes me think.. what kind of parent do I want to be when my kids are teens? I obviously won't be like MY parents, who were so doped up and into themselves that they didn't CARE what we did.. but I also don't want to hold the reins too tight because then they will lose respect for us and rebel. No rebellions please.
Anyway.. just an unrelated rambling for today. Just sit back for a minute and think about the FUN you had in High School/College. Not the crappy times, cuz there were PLENTY of those.. but a FUN time.. a CRAZY time....
Sunday, August 13, 2006
In other news, we will soon be purchasing a home protection devise... AKA - GUN. The one Jason likes is a .45 1911 Kimber. I like the stainless steel with mother-of-pearl grips. hehe
Anyway... That's all for me, I will post pictures of Jason's new tattoo when we get back!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Another day....
So many cute projects and hanging out with fellow store owners!
Next year Jason wants to come with me. Got to order new Sandylion (ADORABLE) and Lil' Davis, got to see some new products I hadn't seen before. It was like a mini-trade show! Makes me sooo anxious for October - Memory Trends in Vegas baby! By FAR my favorite show of the year.
I had an AWFUL night last night and I am way paying for it today. Went to bed at midnight, tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. Kept waking up with the WORST stomach cramps... got a total of maybe 4 hours of sleep. On the way home from Long Beach I was sooooo sleepy and had an AWFUL headache to boot. Did make it home in one piece with minimal traffic. Had to sleep for like 2 hours and now feel soooo much better.
Working tomorrow. BIL and SIL and niece & nephew are planning to come out from Florida at the end of the month and we are SO excited! Curtis just wants to hang out and I can't wait to meet the lil' one for the first time! I get to babysit her!!
Ok... off to eat... see ya!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Tattoo Pictures





Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Am I really interesting AT ALL?
Seriously though.. sorry to be lacking in postage. My gal pal and right hand man got sick and I had to work and incredibly AWFUL amount of days in a row. Topped off with a FABULOUS weekend off with no kids and just me and JASON! There was a small incident that did infact involve "bed - breakage"... but we will just move on past that.
I got my tattoo done on Monday and BOY does it look awesome! Did I mention how much it FRICKING HURTS? or... HOW HUGE MY CANKLE NOW IS? Oh yes, you read that right. I don't have an ANKLE anymore. I have a CANKLE. Looks like a cross between your calf & ankle. Swollen and fat. UGH... the heat doesn't help. Nor does walking around on it all day but what can you do??
I will be posting pictures asap... or rather... asaiptotc.. which loosely translates too.. as soon as I pull them off the camera... hehe
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Ahhh.. the moon hath risen....
I need to do the same here at home now.
We are waiting to hear when grandma's service will be. Man, almost 2 weeks now since she passed. Sadly, I didn't visit her as much as I should have in the past few years. Life happens and I let it be an excuse. I was just SO glad that I was able to visit and talk to her before she passed and to actually be there as she left us. She hadn't been the same person for several years but she was still grandma, even up to the end. Apparently she looked at Grandpa and Uncle Ricky and said - Oh gawd... - like... PULEEZE go away.. hehe... cracks me up to think about it. I am making the guest book for the service and found some real-pressed Pansies to use. Very excited about that.
May possibly be traveling to the East coast to help a friend move. Hopefully we will find out for sure in the next week or so.
So much I want to do right now... go to the beach with the kids, go swimming at MIL's, get a TAN, get a FACIAL, get my mustache REMOVED, get my HAIR non-3 toned.... oh well.. what's a girl to do? SCRAPBOOK.. hehe
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Today is a sad day....

This morning at around 3:15 am my grandma left us. She was surrounded by family, she was not in pain, her body just slowly shut down until she was finally gone. She is the last of the most influential women in my life to go. My mother passed 10 years ago, my paternal grandma passed last year and now she is gone too. I was very fortunate to be there with her. Both my brother and I were there, he holding her hand, I rubbing her shoulders and back, trying to keep her warm. I will miss her dearly, but I know she is with my mom now, her baby. No longer will she have to deal with the dementia that has plagued her for the past 11-12 years, no longer will she have to live with pain and confusion. No longer will she need to listen to those around her bitch and moan about this and that. She was the best grandma she could be. She was loving and funny. Sweet and sassy. She was the one that I knew would hurt me the most to lose. I will miss the spunky humour and witty one liners she used to pull. I will miss her cursing out my grandpa or my dad. I will miss the way if felt when she gave big hugs. I will miss how she used to scare us kids when she pulled out her teeth. I love you grandma... know that you were special and loved and WILL NOT be forgotten. Have a peaceful journey and say hello to mom for me. i love you
Monday, June 26, 2006
Ten Things I Hate...
1. People who act as though their patronage alone keeps your world afloat. Working customer service since... FOREVER.... I have seen it all. Especially working at the casino for tips. I totally appreciated every cent I received... but PLEASE don't give me attitude if I don't get to you fast enough and then bust out the "I'm paying your paycheck right now" comment.
Nowadays... please don't come in with a problem and tell me offhandedly... "I spend a lot of money here".. honestly... I KNOW your stats and most of the time, you are NOT one of my top spenders and WHY DOES THAT MATTER TO ME? Each and every customer is JUST as important as the next.. whether you spend $400 or $4. PERIOD...
2. Whiners.... I am not an empty well ready at the drop of a hat for you to unload on just so you can feel better and I end up feeling like crap! I will do my best to analize the situation, give you my take on things, offer opinions if you are asking and support you in your quest.. but DO NOT keep whining and not doing anything about it. I have never bought that phrase "Play with the hand you are dealt".... find different cards and go with it!! ps.. no whining also includes small children who are of my loins who don't want to do what they are asked and only want to whine about it.. knock that crap off and just do it. Life will be easier if you don't piss me off.
3. Haters.... I honestly don't use the word HATE in normal everyday conversation. I don't like it. Hate to me consists of having a VIOLENT reaction to something or someone.. and honestly, that is scary to me. Not that I haven't had it.. oh say a few years back.. hehe.. but I cannot STAND haters. People who make rude comments about someone because they are slightly different, race, sex, or otherwise. Can't we all just get along??
4. People who sweat the small stuff.. This is a relatively new dislike for me. I have absolutely been one to sweat and bitch about the small stuff... until I learned to utilize a VERY important phrase. LET IT GO. I understand that the dumbass in the Expansion in front of you just cut you off, but is it necessary to race up next to him and flip him off? Rev your engine and scream obscenities? Nope. I understand that there are people that may come in and annoy you from time to time.. but a sale is a sale and customer service is IMPORTANT... GET OVER IT. It means NOTHING to you.... let it go and you will feel soooo much better!
5. Disrespectful kids. The kind like the girls I ran into in Target the other night. My friends took me out and we of course hit Target afterwards. We are a bunch of clucking cackling hens when we are together, and these brats were mimicking my friends at the end of an aisle. Until I walked up behind them and mimicked THEM and said "You girls are SOOOO funny!"... and they got red and shuffled off. YES, I remember being 14 too.. but I would never have been so bold.. my friends on the other hand... whoooo weeee. I know they don't realize that they too one day will be as ANCIENT as we are but come on... don't act like a nitwit. This applies to kids and their parents too. ugh
6. Skow Walkers. Please move to the slowlane on the sidewalk so I can get by you. Thank you
7. Drug addicted parents. You shouldn't be allowed to pro-create. If you are lucky enough to have decent kids... you shouldn't sluff them off because they won't enable you. GROW UP.
8. Slow Checkout Lines... Why is it that I ALWAYS pick the lane that has a major malfunction or otherwise idiotic people?? WHY??
9. People who hit cars and then don't tell you. Someone side-swiped my perty mom van in my parking lot. I know there were a MILLION cars here that day but you COULD have left a note.
10. Friends who disrespect their other friends. Don't treat my friend like an ASSHOLE just because your life is a MESS and you are too big of a PUSSY to do anything about it. My friend ISN'T a bad mom, nor is she a bad FRIEND.. and how she put up with your attitude for as long as she did is beyond me! Just know that next time you call her.. she will ask you the TOUGH question and I bet you won't be able to turn that crap around on her again! HAHA
So there you have it.. my hate list for today.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Happy Anniversary!
This weekend marks a huge milestone for us! I am proud of myself for having come this far. I feel confident that I make wise (most of the time) store decisions... that our customer service is awesome, that our prices are great and that we bring a different energy to this business. PAT ON THE BACK. But I didn't do it alone. NONO. My amazing girls Cindy & AnneLise have been right there with me... as well as my business savvy saviour Lynda. The very first Design Team Members Valerie, Cyndy & Debbie brought amazing projects to the store for all to oogle and awww over. Yet let's not forget my customers. THEY MAKE IT ALL POSSIBLE. They support the store with their patronage and suggestions. Their enthusiasm keeps me going and I appreciate every second of that! THANK YOU ALL.
Happy Anniversary Scrappin' Attack!!
Did I mention...
On to bigger and better things.
I love my friend Dacia. Can I just tell ya a little about her? SHE ROCKS. She is an AMAZING mom, not without normal MOM issues... she is amazingly SMART & SAVVY... she is an amazing FRIEND.... she is an amazing KNITTER.... she is an amazing WOMAN... and she is SPECIAL TO ME.
She has not had the best year so far. I felt and stated that 06 would be powerful... well it has been, but not always in a good way for her. I know she will persevere. She already has. SHE knows she can count on me when it is time to rant, logicalize (is that a word?), laugh and cry. I feel truly blessed to have her as a friend.
THANK YOU DACIA... for being you
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Today will be a good day...
Naturally our regular UPS man was gone so they loaded us first and delivered it late. Hate that. I had just enough time to get Ki in the computer and Bazzill out of the boxes. Not to mention the fact that I had a surprise visit from a friend who needed help with wedding invitations... so guess what else I did yesterday??? Oh yeah.. and it was busier than a weekend day too! WOWSERS...
So anywho... hopefully I will get a chance to take some pictures of my projects and load them up... we shall see!!
Monday, June 12, 2006
The weekend is over....
The next day was a whirlwind! I absolutely LOVE my Boho wall hanging... the pictures I chose were AWESOME and the project was sooooo elegant! Alea was a big help (for the most part) that day and the ladies loved her... especially since she was so anxious to give away prizes! LOL
I have to find pictures for the 2 album classes but how much FUN was that? I love the Friends album because who woulda thought to make it out of a box? SERIOUSLY??? The paper mod podged on there sooo easily! The BE album is such a great concept. I have a ton of ideas... Be Unique, Be Strong, Be determined, Be an Original, Be Independant, Be Silly! Can't wait to finish that one up!
I was sad to see Margie go... she is so much fun and I love her to pieces! But hey... we will see her again at Memory Trends for SURE!
Yesterday was supposed to be clean-up day but alas... my cousin Joe came to town!! So we hung out with him at my Aunt Nancy's and then headed off to dinner with the whole fan-damily! Too fun! I started gettting a cold on Friday night but fortunately it wasn't too powerful... it just kind of gave me a sore throat and now I have a bit of a sinus clogging going on. (shrug)
I will be posting pictures as soon as I get my camera back! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Monday, May 29, 2006
It's been a week...



Since we got back and we are finally finishing up around the house. Most of my shows have been borrowed and watched, laundry is slowly thinning out, projects are getting finished, some groceries have been bought and rooms are getting cleaned. Fortunately we cleaned before we left so it was pretty much just getting things back in place and in our routine again. I wanted to post a few pictures from the trip. We had so many amazing days... from the Redwoods to the Waterfalls to duck ponds and Hangman's Tree. Here are a few of the scenic photos from Yosemite.
Above is 1. Yosemite Falls 2. Yosemite Valley (El Capitan on the left, Half Dome in the middle and Bridalveil Falls on the right 3. Us hiding behind trees in the valley.
Below is 1. Alea standing in front of the Lower of Yosemite Falls 2. Alea all wet from the river 3. Jarrett in front of Bridalveil Falls 4. Jarrett all wet from the river




Saturday, May 27, 2006
So it's been awhile... but
Also, if anyone is interested or knows someone who might be, we a having a special guest teacher coming to our store next month for our anniversary. Margie Romney-Aslett from Making Memories will be hosting a fun filled crop and teaching 3 amazing classes on June 9th & 10th. Full details can be found on the Sassy Skool page of our website! I need to know by next week because we are in danger of not meeting our class minimums... so tell your friends!
I am off to work for now... catch ya later!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Wow I am sick...
Friday, April 14, 2006
Change IS good...
10 years ago I was reeling from my wedding, my mom's death 4 days later and her funeral 1 week after that. Upset at the fact that my step-dad had been arrested AT her funeral and at that time was currently in jail. I was freaking out at the fact that while I had always taken care of my brother, I was now COMPLETELY taking care of him. I was scared, confused and worried. Worried at how my brother was dealing with our mom's death and step-dad's jailing. Worried at how Jason and I were going to make things ok as a family with all of the loss and stress going on. I was angry that my mom wasn't there to see me get married, that she died before I could really get to know her, that my family members were such hypocrits and attention getters. ugh
5 years ago I was just 10 days away from giving birth to my 2nd child.. my son. I was relaxed in my pregnancy, confident in my ability to mother, excited to meet this new person. My brother was in college, spending his free time finding out who he was spiritually and mentally. My husband loved me and we were happy. Alea was in pre-school and was such a joy.. most days! We were living with my father in law and anticipating our new arrival, and eventual purchase of our first home. While there was a bit of tension in that house (we only lasted 4 months there), there was an air of excitement at the changes to come. Life was good.
1 year ago I was happily working at Scrapbook Junction... blissfully unaware that in 1 month.. just 1 month I would make one of the biggest decisions of my life and purchase the store from Lynda. We would take a chance and hope for the best. I was a little nervous about my impending lack of employment, but I was also excited to look for somewhere new, somewhere to meet new people and expand my horizons. The kids were great, both in school and doing well. My brother was now at the university, with only 1 year left before he graduated. Jason still loved me and was doing awesome at work. We didn't want for anything but maybe a bit more time together as a family. Again, life was good.
4 months ago my life changed again. I found my spirtuality. I started finding out who I REALLY was. Who I had been and who I wanted to become. Jason was right there with me. He was tapping into places he had never been within himself. Cory was our guidence counselor and classmate all at the same time. The 3 of us have never bonded more closely than when we did at Christmas time. The months since have been a struggle and awakening.. it is amazing. I am constantly reminded at how blessed I truly am. To have family and friends who love me. To be able to come to work (ha ha) everyday and love what I am doing. TO BE ME.
This makes me want to scrapbook... good thing I am here at the store today... LOL
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Ok.. I swear I will keep up!
First things first, we had our busiest month EVER last month! So many new products coming into the store from CHA! I love getting all of the new products and trying to figure out where to put it all (ok, maybe this isn't my favorite thing)! I love it when new customers come in and say WOW after walking the store! That always makes me smile! I love it when frequent customers curse my name because I have so many new goodies! LOL
In short... I LOVE THIS STORE!! I have so many ideas and fun events coming up it just keeps getting more and more exciting!!
QuicKutz is coming for an hour to do Make N Takes on National Scrapbook Day! Kirk Pead will be here conducting make n takes and giving away prizes! Their new Spring Gift Set is SOOO cute! You MUST see their promo!!
Margie from Making Memories is coming in June and I CAN'T WAIT!! I love her spunk and style and of course, who doesn't love MM products?? I can't wait for her to meet my customers and friends, who are equally full of spunk and sass! I hope we can show her a great time while she is here, she always makes our trade show experience SO MUCH FUN!!
As for life.. well, things are going ok. Talk to me next week when Spring Break is over and my kids are back in school! LOL
Really though, these next few months will mark so much change. We are taking a family trip next month up North to see my baby bro graduate from college!! We are driving the family up in our WAY under-used RV and towing him back. On the way back we plan to stop and visit the family in Sacramento area. 2 WHOLE WEEKS! I cannot wait! Most of all, I miss my brother and can't wait to have him just a few minutes away instead of days. Things are falling into place and I just can't wait to get going!!
Ok, enough of that, I am off to put a class together! HUGZ
Saturday, March 18, 2006
OMG... I think I forgot my password!
Things are going well, though I think I have a major arm injury. That probably isn't a good thing but hey, laugh or cry baby, what are you going to do? Will be calling the dr. next week. Oh yeah, got a speeding ticket. First one ever. Love love love the Sheriffs. Ugh. Jason has his surgery on his gallbladder in a little over a week. I think he might be a bit freaked out. Understandably so.
So many new products in the store and I am in serious purge mode at home. I will take pictures of my NEW AND IMPROVED scrap room as soon as I finish. All inspired by DD. Love her. Ok.. it's late, I am outta here!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
WOW.. long time no post!
I did something AWESOME last night. Let me just share. Have you seen the QVC Lisa Bearnson album set? The 4 albums that autodeliver every few months? The first one is "All About Me" and features Heidi Swapp products, the 2nd is "All About You" featuring SEI, the 3rd is "All About Family" featurning Memories Complete and the 4th is "A Year in Review" featuring American Crafts. So of course I ordered it because it was the Today's Special Value and I love all of those companies... and honestly, how can you go wrong with an album that is already planned out and you just have to put it together per their instructions? I put my All About Me book together last night. Granted, I need to add just a few pictures and my journaling.. but people... I completed a 20 page album LAST NIGHT!! That is AMAZING! So I had to share.
In other news... pictures of the CHA show are up on the site HERE, and the re-cap with all of the goodies I ordered is HERE.
Yes.. that is Heidi Swapp signing my TSV.. cuz I love her and she is just so darn CUTE!
Enjoy... I am off to teach a card class tonight!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Laurel & I drove up to Irvine for 2 classes with Ali yesterday. Perspectives & Photos I Love 2005. We were both so anxious to get up there and get going! Little did I know that my fave photographer would be the one with an empty spot at her table! At the FRONT of the class!
The classes were both amazing and after seeing the morning project I wish I would have taken that one also!! I wanted to take these classes mostly because I completely admire Ali's amazing style and because it is so "free" from what I normally box myself into doing. The projects were simple yet elegant and everything came together fabulously!!
SO.. yesterday was ALSO my 10 year wedding anniversary. Before I left I casually said to Jason, "Happy Anniversary hon". And he went white. Now we didn't get presents or anything because next weekend we will be celebrating it up in Vegas for CHA. So I wasn't trying to make him feel badly, but I guess it had slipped his mind on the date! No worries!
After my fabulous day with all of the great scrappers at the classes, I came home last night to find this... and boy did I cry! Not only did I have a GREAT day with Ali, but I came home to find that MY HUSBAND HAD MADE ME A CARD and BOUGHT ME MY FAVORITE FLOWERS!
but mostly... he MADE me a card...sniff sniff...
SO... Happy Anniversary to ME and we are off to head downtown for some US time!!



Monday, January 16, 2006
Sniff Sniff...
What's done is done. Step-dad is officially moved out of FIL's house. Locks have been changed. Words have been exchanged. As soon as I get my darn voice back, final words will be exchanged between him and me. I am feeling like a huge load has been lifted. I also feel sadness, but he has brought this upon himself and I can't change that.
These past few weeks have been spent dealing with all of the crap that we as a family have been avoiding for years. It feels good to be catching up to the present and moving on. I feel like we are in "cleansing" mode and that is a VERY good thing.
I am not sure what will happen in the next few months... but I have a HUGE feeling that 2006 is going to be an AWESOME & POWERFUL year...
Saturday, January 14, 2006
My life just keeps getting weirder and weirder...
Starting with Christmas, continuing with family bull crud, what I thought was peaking with the meeting with my dad, only to find out that no... it isn't over. Not by FAR.
My step dad is stealing from my family. He will dodge it, point the finger elsewhere, and try his best to manuever out of the blame... but he is STEALING from my family.
So now... the next week will consist of taking care of family business so that this man, this THIEF, this LIAR, will have NO access to us anymore.
Yet another day in the saga of my white trash family...
Friday, January 13, 2006
I've been TAGGED!!
AND THEN... I come to check the stats on my website and WHAT? 312 views in one night? What in the WORLD happened? I look and see where they are coming from and GUESS WHAT! CATHY ZIELSKE TAGGED ME? Ok ok... she said it was random... BUT STILL! So here we go.. and might I add that Cathy is an AMAZING talent, totally funny in person and someone who keeps it real.. and that means a lot! SEE YOU AT CHA GIRL!
Four jobs you have had in your life:
•Pizza slinger for Little Sleazers (pizza pizza)
•Clothes slinger for Lame Giant (that's Lane Bryant for you lucky gals who don't have to shop there)
•Clothes slinger for Clothestime (ages ago)
•Sales clerk in the men's dept. of Sears... the BEST way to meet guys... hehe
Four movies you would watch over and over:
•Shawshank Redemption (I have to agree, and I actually just watched this 2x last week!)
•Garden State (SO REAL... SO TRUE... I love this movie & soundtrack)
•Galaxy Quest (well that was a helluva thing)
•Wedding Singer (you spin me right round baby right round...)
Four places you have lived:
•El Cajon, CA
•Lakeside, CA
•Santee, CA
•that's it... I have lived within a 10 mile radius my entire life... bland eh?
Four TV shows you love to watch:
Four places you have been on vacation:
•Newport Beach
Four websites I visit daily: (only 4???)
Donna's Blog
Ali's Blog
Cathy's Blog
Tara's Blog
Not to mention Renee's, Stacy's, Margie's, and so so many more!
Four of my favorite foods:
•On the Border's Chicken Epanadas
•Gaetano's Pizza
•Ichiban sushi & teriyaki chicken.. man I am hungry
•Tortollini's from Bucca
Four places I would rather be right now:
in my bed.. snuggled with the hub... sleeping soundly
otherwise... I am good.. right here right now is the most important place to be!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Showdown with dad in T - 26 hours and counting... tick tock tick tock....
In other news... announcements are at a stand still... stupid sewing machine broke and I can't finish! Did I already mention this? OH WELL.
In DINNER news... I will be trying another recipe out of my ADORABLE Campbell's soup can lookin' recipe book tonight... Broccoli & Chicken Alfredo... YUM! THANKS to Cindy for the cute book!
I am off to play with my neglected SIMS... they probably miss me so much!
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The scrapbook companies are trying to KILL ME!
Phew... glad to have that off my chest! I am ALMOST done with the announcements for my friend. Thanks in part to my fabulous assistant Cindy who cut diaper pins, tied knots and xyron-ed last night! I just need to sew.. yes sew... and attach and all will be done! I really want to give these to her tomorrow so she can send them out!
In other news... apparently the showdown between me and my dad is coming... stay tuned for that.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Christmas 05' Highlights...
Bed by 3am....
Awoken by #2 at 5:55am... made #2 stay in my bed and go back to sleep
Awoken by #1 at 7:10am... made #1 stay in my bed and go back to sleep
Up at 8am.... Santa visited in the night! Much play and pictures with new toys
Present frenzy after Daddy got home from work...
Visit with my relatives...
Cousin involved in lawsuit....
Grandpa going bankrupt...
5 people living in a 1 bedroom, single-wide trailor....
Gun Running....
Visit with Jason's relatives...
Visit with friend up the street from J's relatives...
Learn how to look into my brother's eyes...
Learn what it truly means to be spiritual and understand "God"...
Bed at 1:30am....
And there you have it... without the juicy details... too much to say to write it all out...