Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Welp, payroll tax is DONE... phew! Not too bad for that payment, now to get started on the actual tax preparation... ewww... with a re-fi last year, New Car, New BUSINESS, and all that THAT entails, this should be fun! NOT.. but usually we get money back.. so no complaints there.

Showdown with dad in T - 26 hours and counting... tick tock tick tock....

In other news... announcements are at a stand still... stupid sewing machine broke and I can't finish! Did I already mention this? OH WELL.

In DINNER news... I will be trying another recipe out of my ADORABLE Campbell's soup can lookin' recipe book tonight... Broccoli & Chicken Alfredo... YUM! THANKS to Cindy for the cute book!

I am off to play with my neglected SIMS... they probably miss me so much!