Thursday, June 22, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

Just another day right. WRONG. Today is the anniversary of the opening of my store!! 1 year ago TODAY we opened the doors and had QUITE the crowd.... and a year later I am still SO glad I did it.

This weekend marks a huge milestone for us! I am proud of myself for having come this far. I feel confident that I make wise (most of the time) store decisions... that our customer service is awesome, that our prices are great and that we bring a different energy to this business. PAT ON THE BACK. But I didn't do it alone. NONO. My amazing girls Cindy & AnneLise have been right there with me... as well as my business savvy saviour Lynda. The very first Design Team Members Valerie, Cyndy & Debbie brought amazing projects to the store for all to oogle and awww over. Yet let's not forget my customers. THEY MAKE IT ALL POSSIBLE. They support the store with their patronage and suggestions. Their enthusiasm keeps me going and I appreciate every second of that! THANK YOU ALL.

Happy Anniversary Scrappin' Attack!!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! You should be so proud of yourself. You've done an amazing job, chicky.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.