Monday, June 26, 2006


Yep.. I have been tagged and of course I will play!! Thanks to my friend for the tag.. now on with the show!

Ten Things I Hate...

1. People who act as though their patronage alone keeps your world afloat. Working customer service since... FOREVER.... I have seen it all. Especially working at the casino for tips. I totally appreciated every cent I received... but PLEASE don't give me attitude if I don't get to you fast enough and then bust out the "I'm paying your paycheck right now" comment.
Nowadays... please don't come in with a problem and tell me offhandedly... "I spend a lot of money here".. honestly... I KNOW your stats and most of the time, you are NOT one of my top spenders and WHY DOES THAT MATTER TO ME? Each and every customer is JUST as important as the next.. whether you spend $400 or $4. PERIOD...

2. Whiners.... I am not an empty well ready at the drop of a hat for you to unload on just so you can feel better and I end up feeling like crap! I will do my best to analize the situation, give you my take on things, offer opinions if you are asking and support you in your quest.. but DO NOT keep whining and not doing anything about it. I have never bought that phrase "Play with the hand you are dealt".... find different cards and go with it!! ps.. no whining also includes small children who are of my loins who don't want to do what they are asked and only want to whine about it.. knock that crap off and just do it. Life will be easier if you don't piss me off.

3. Haters.... I honestly don't use the word HATE in normal everyday conversation. I don't like it. Hate to me consists of having a VIOLENT reaction to something or someone.. and honestly, that is scary to me. Not that I haven't had it.. oh say a few years back.. hehe.. but I cannot STAND haters. People who make rude comments about someone because they are slightly different, race, sex, or otherwise. Can't we all just get along??

4. People who sweat the small stuff.. This is a relatively new dislike for me. I have absolutely been one to sweat and bitch about the small stuff... until I learned to utilize a VERY important phrase. LET IT GO. I understand that the dumbass in the Expansion in front of you just cut you off, but is it necessary to race up next to him and flip him off? Rev your engine and scream obscenities? Nope. I understand that there are people that may come in and annoy you from time to time.. but a sale is a sale and customer service is IMPORTANT... GET OVER IT. It means NOTHING to you.... let it go and you will feel soooo much better!

5. Disrespectful kids. The kind like the girls I ran into in Target the other night. My friends took me out and we of course hit Target afterwards. We are a bunch of clucking cackling hens when we are together, and these brats were mimicking my friends at the end of an aisle. Until I walked up behind them and mimicked THEM and said "You girls are SOOOO funny!"... and they got red and shuffled off. YES, I remember being 14 too.. but I would never have been so bold.. my friends on the other hand... whoooo weeee. I know they don't realize that they too one day will be as ANCIENT as we are but come on... don't act like a nitwit. This applies to kids and their parents too. ugh

6. Skow Walkers. Please move to the slowlane on the sidewalk so I can get by you. Thank you

7. Drug addicted parents. You shouldn't be allowed to pro-create. If you are lucky enough to have decent kids... you shouldn't sluff them off because they won't enable you. GROW UP.

8. Slow Checkout Lines... Why is it that I ALWAYS pick the lane that has a major malfunction or otherwise idiotic people?? WHY??

9. People who hit cars and then don't tell you. Someone side-swiped my perty mom van in my parking lot. I know there were a MILLION cars here that day but you COULD have left a note.

10. Friends who disrespect their other friends. Don't treat my friend like an ASSHOLE just because your life is a MESS and you are too big of a PUSSY to do anything about it. My friend ISN'T a bad mom, nor is she a bad FRIEND.. and how she put up with your attitude for as long as she did is beyond me! Just know that next time you call her.. she will ask you the TOUGH question and I bet you won't be able to turn that crap around on her again! HAHA

So there you have it.. my hate list for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't like the word 'hate' either... but in this case think of it as 10 things that super fucking annoy you. hehe. PS #10 is good!! ;)