Wednesday, November 30, 2005

So much to do...

SO MUCH COMING IN!! It has been a big week at the store, packages arriving daily! So much Christmas stuff that I had to completely re-arrange in there.. no room for it all! Plans and plots on the horizon... my mind is awhirl lately! Which is scary, since I have so much holiday stuff to do!

In Alea news.. I finally set her up with her own email account. She loves it! It takes her 30 minutes to type out 2 sentances, but she is fascinated with getting responses! How cute! Mostly she emails her cousin in Phoenix, but she also emailed my brother in No. California and her uncle in Florida! Her parent-teacher conference went AWESOME and they had nothing but good things to say. She had 4's on most of her things (4 being exceeds expectations) and the rest were 3's... so we are right on track for that! She is loving Girl Scouts and I absolutely can't wait until we can go camping with them. I treasure my girl scout camp memories as a little girl!

In Jarrett news... we had a rough weekend with odd fevers that just came and went. Which of course made for a very grumpy 4 year old. I found him playing with sissy's Leapster today.. she was actually letting him, and he was doing great! Guess Jason and I made the right decision getting him one for Christmas! I am very nervous about him starting Kindergarten next year, and really need to get on the ball with working with him on his letters, writing and whatnot. The boy is a lefty and it has intimidated me thus far. He is starting to write his name and other various words in pre-school, and his teacher assures me he is right in line.. but I have that 2nd child guilt going on... you know.. that we don't pay as close attention to him, or work with him as closely as we did with her... anyway.. I digress.

In us news... no news to say! Jason figured out how to put his fender back into the clips and now you can barely tell I banged up the pretty new car... all is well there... he wants some really weird electronic things for Christmas... nothing new there. I think I want and Ipod. A pink one. So I can put something brown on it and make myself happy. Well that and have a non-skipping music player for working out! Again.. that means I actually have to work out.. oh well! Off for now!